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Powerful Prayer To Find A Husband

It is true that not everyone is destined for marriage. For some, not getting married is a decision they've made—with reasons best known to them. But for those who are destined to get married—and those who desire marriage—there is nothing wrong in praying and asking God to connect us with our future spouse. For today, we will bring you a prayer to find a husband. 

It is the will of God that His daughters don't just find a husband but a good husband; a God-fearing husband who can guarantee them a good and godly marriage.

Luke 11:11-12 ESV
What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?

It is interesting to know that our Heavenly Father cares about every affair of our life. In Jeremiah 29:11, He said that He has for us only good plans. Connecting us with a spouse that He deems best for us, is part of His will for our lives. 

Prayer To Find Husband

Knowing that God wants the best for us when it comes to the choice of spouse, we also can go ahead to pray this will of His intro fruition in our lives, by praying to find a husband. 

For most people, they have a long list of requirements a potential spouse should meet. They use that as a yardstick in their search for and choice of the perfect spouse. 

Not denying the fact that as Christians, it is good to know what we are looking for in a potential spouse. We shouldn’t settle for just anyone who presents their self as God's choice for us. They should tick those godly boxes that can confirm to us that they are truly the one for us. 

What is unwise to do, is to rely only on our wisdom and requirements to make the right choice of spouse. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:3 that, we should commit our works to the Lord and our plans will be established. 

That said, let us go ahead and pray to find that godly husband which God has kept for us, and has destined to connect us with. 

Prayers To Find A Husband

As a woman, it is important to stress that before you start praying for a husband from God, you should make yourself the kind of woman a man from God would want to marry. 

A godly man wants a godly woman. Not any type of woman deserves a godly man. So while you're praying to find a husband, know that a man somewhere is also praying to meet a godly woman. Allow God to work on you and transform you into that woman a man will feel blessed to have as his wife. 

  1. Thank You Father for reminding me that You want the best for me, and that it is within Your will for me to get a good husband. 
  2. Father, I am presenting my request before You today in accordance with Your will, asking that You would connect me with that godly man You destined and preserved for me. 
  3. Father, I come against every immitation from the enemy. Every form of deception and manipulation from the enemy when it comes to choice of spouse, let it be destroyed now. In the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  4. Dear God, I ask that You prepare and quip me to be a good wife, as I prayerfully wait for You to connect me with my destined husband. 
  5. Lord, I know that You alone know where my future husband is. I ask that You would make it easy for us to meet each other. 
  6. Dear God, I ask that You would take away every form of confusion in the mind of my future husband. Do not let him settle for the wrong woman. 
  7. Father, I ask that You give me signs when the time of meeting my future husband draws near. Do not let me miss my chance. 
  8. Lord, I ask that You give me a supportive husband. Let him be a man who loves You and loves me unconditionally. 
  9. Dear God, I am trusting You to connect me with a man who wouldn't just be a husband, but also my best friend. Let him be a man with whom I can share my deepest worries and talk about anything with. 
  10. Dear God, I ask that the husband You have kept for me be a good provider. A cheerful giver who will care for his wife and kids. 
  11. Thank You Father, for I know that You have preserved the best of men for me. I will continually pray and wait patiently for You to bring us together. In the Name of Jesus Christ. 

You can repeatedly pray these prayers as many times as you desire. Just be sure that you pray it with faith and with a sincere heart, while preserving yourself for the man God has in store for you. 

Dangerous Prayer To Get My Husband Back

Probably you are already married, but along the line your marriage began experiencing tremors. Maybe your husband got entangled with a strange woman, and you've done your possible best to make him stop seeing the other woman to no avail. Then you've opted for prayer as your last resort. 

I just want to remind you that prayer is powerful. Prayer still works. So long you have been a good wife to your husband and you're not the cause of the infedility in your marriage, God is able to bring restoration and healing to your marriage. 

Before you start praying to get your husband back (from the other woman), here are my two cents concerning what you should do:

1. Be Sure You're Not The Cause Of Infidelity

There are situations where it is the woman who was caught cheating first in her marriage. Ever since they've been married, the husband has been faithful to her, only to discover that she's been cheating on him in secret. 

If you're the woman in this type of situation, sorry to disappoint you, your prayer for getting your husband back may not work. 

You did not only break the vow in your marriage, but brought a curse upon your union by committing adultery. Even if God forgives, understand that your husband may never forgive nor forget, because he's human. 

2. Be Sure You've Been A Good Wife 

One of the major reasons why women are losing their husbands today is their failure or refusal to perform their duties as a wife. 

If all you've been doing is fighting for the place of headship with your man, instead of knowing your place, occupying it and doing what's expected of you as his wife, then your man may be forced to look outside for a replacement. 

Once a man gets from another woman the submission, care and humility he's not been getting from the woman he married, no amount of prayer may be enough to make him continue prioritizing his wife. 

3. Talk To Your Husband

If the two things I've discussed above are already in place, but your husband still went on to get involved with other women, you should try to sit him down and talk to him about his infidelity. 

If he neither refuses to listen nor change his ways, then you are left with the last option which is praying to get your husband back

It could be that the enemy is doing lots of manipulations against your husband, that is why he has turned deaf ears to your words and have become adamant to change. So in such a scenario, prayer may go a long way to help. 

Prayer To Get My Husband Back

Below are 21 short prayers you should pray with faith, in order to get your husband back:

  1. Heavenly Father, have mercy on my marriage. Forgive our mistakes and cause my husband to return to me. 
  2. Lord, I pray for the heart of my husband. Cause him to remember his first love for me, and see reasons why he should quit cheating and return to me. 
  3. Dear God, I ask for Your intervention in my marriage. Ignite between us the first love that brought us together, and cause my husband to return to me. 
  4. Holy Spirit, I ask that You would change my husband's heart. Guide him to return to me as I make efforts to work on our marriage. 
  5. Dear God, I pray that you would take away whatever has torn I and my husband apart and bring us together closer than before. 
  6. Father, I ask that You would help my husband see his wrongs and amend his ways. 
  7. Dear God, I ask that You would destroy the deception of the enemy that has manipulated and distracted my husband from focusing on our marriage. 
  8. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I come against every witchcraft spell and manipulation done against my marriage. Let them be destroyed by the power of God. 
  9. Dear Lord, I ask that You would intervene in my marriage. Destroy the discord sown by the enemy and restore peace in my marriage. 
  10. Dear Holy Spirit, I ask that You would convict my husband's heart. Make him see his wrongs and the need to come back home. 
  11. Father, as I pray for my husband to return to me, I also pray that You would give me the patience to wait for the answer to my prayer. 
  12. Dear Lord, I ask that You would teach me how to be a better wife to my husband. Show me where I've got it wrong in the past, that caused him to look outside for another woman. 
  13. Lord, I am willing to correct my wrongs in order to have a better marriage. Help me in my efforts to do just that. 
  14. Dear God, I ask that You would give me a forgiving heart towards my husband. Help me to forgive him of his wrongdoings. 
  15. Dear Lord, infidelity destroys trust. I pray that You would enable me to trust my husband again, when he's made the decision to return home and focus on our marriage. 
  16. Father, I also pray that You help me to let go of the resentment and bitterness that I'm holding against my husband and the other woman. 
  17. Dear God, I ask that You would grant me wisdom to handle my marriage better from now on. 
  18. Dear God, I pray that you would change my husband. Restore him to that version of man for me which you created him to be. 
  19. Lord, I pray that You would help me to be a blessing to my husband and my kids. Make me the wife and mother that they will be proud to have. 
  20. Dear Lord, I ask that You would help me love my husband as Christ loves the Church. 
  21. Heavenly Father, I ask that You would cause my husband to return to me, and restore our marriage to the way You intended it to be. In the Name if Jesus Christ. 

Go ahead and pray these prayers as often as you wish, until you start seeing the answers and results manifest in your marriage. Pray with faith, trusting that God will answer and bring back your husband to you. 

Final Thoughts On Prayer To Find Husband

God has good thoughts concerning us, and He wants the best for us. Concerning our marriages, God wants us to have nothing below the very best. 

If we pray for our potential spouse, God is able to connect us with them. And if we pray for God to heal our disfunctional marriage, He is also able to miraculously restore our marriage.

Beloved, I trust that you were blessed reading this article on prayer to find husband.

God bless you.